Eye-Net’s incredibly unique technology uses existing cellular infrastructures for vehicle-to-human (V2X) technology.

To learn more about what makes this tech special, how it works, and how you can utilize it, keep on reading this FAQ section.

About Eye-NetTM

Eye-NetTM is an Israeli-based technology product company engaged in the design and development of cellular-based V2X (vehicle-to-everything) accident prevention solutions. With our easily integratable solutions, we aim to create new, safer mobility for everyone.
Our solutions include:

  • Eye-NetTM Protect Family of Products: This is a Software Add-On (SDK) for 3rd party location-based applications, such as navigation, parking, shared micromobility apps, and more.
  • Eye-ZoneTM Holistic Safety Solution: Connecting vehicles to all road users tailored for the automotive industry (OEMs, Tier 1s, Tier 2s).
Eye-NetTM mobile started out as a project within Foresight Automotive in 2016, to prove the concept and its technological feasibility. In May 2018, Eye-NetTM Mobile became an independent entity.

Eye-NetTM aims to prevent two main types of accidents:

  1. Side collisions between vehicles and other road users (such as pedestrians, cyclists, or others) which can occur when a vehicle runs a red light or a pedestrian rushes out into the street without being visible due to parked cars. In such scenarios, Eye-NetTM is able to predict the accident and alert all parties involved.
  2. A momentary loss of attention which could be the sole reason for a vehicle and a micromobility user to be involved in an accident. Eye-NetTM is able to detect this and alert both parties involved, allowing for the incident to be avoided.

Beyond the free for all users accident prevention, Eye-NetTM offers a variety of features designed to further increase safety on the roads.

Cyclist ahead notification provides a soft alert to car drivers if they are following a cyclist further down the road. This feature is powered by Eye-NetTM Protect which draws a “tail” behind each cyclist and constantly checks if a car is “stepping on a tail” and getting closer to the cyclist. If so, it will notify the car driver in order to increase their awareness.

The Car May Brake Ahead Alert intends to prevent chain car accidents that may be caused by emergency braking due to a collision alert given to another vehicle. The warning notification will be given to drivers that drive behind an alerted vehicle or one that has received this alert as well.

E-Call is another feature designed for emergency situations where the user was involved in a collision and needs assistance. It detects such events through information from the cellular device’s on-board sensors (gyro & accelerometer), GPS data, and velocity calculation; afterwards informing all pre-defined contacts via text message and phone call with visual, audio, and haptic indications, giving them time to cancel the call if no help is needed.

Finally, Eye-NetTM also offers weekly analytics regarding its community stats for customers with premium access.

As the number of micro-vehicle riders grows, Eye-NetTM steps up to the challenge of protecting riders and vulnerable road users, providing a vast range of benefits for users. By joining the accident prevention ecosystem, they can be sure that their safety is improved and they are able to join a growing network of drivers and users looking out for each other.

Not only that, Eye-NetTM also offers new revenue streams to its customers thanks to its premium features, which along with market differentiation are designed to increase adoption.

Finally, relying on big-data and AI, Eye-NetTM provides actionable insights into user behaviour as well as new features to further enhance user engagement.

Eye-NetTM Protect has been carefully validated to ensure its effectiveness in providing safety for pedestrians, micromobility users and vehicles.
This process involved thousands of simulations, hundreds of demonstrations, dozens of trials, a dozen successful pilots, an extensive large-scale trial, and an extensive technological due diligence. Furthermore, two integrations in Israel are currently in progress.

Current automotive solutions rely on different types of sensors, such as cameras using various spectrums, RADARs for medium and long distance images, laser scanners (Lidars) for 3D image creation, and ultrasonic sensors for parking. While these sensors differ in the physical way they work, they all follow fundamental principles – namely the analysis of a distinct field of view.
Whenever something happens within that field, these sensors analyze and alert about it.

However, in this time and age of technology, why do we need Eye-NetTM?
Eye-Net offers an holistic solution for all road users which is not dependent on field of view. It is capable of tracking, monitoring and predicting collisions, alerting all road users – even the most vulnerable ones – helping to prevent accidents.

About V2X (Vehicle to Everything) Technology

Compared to other V2X solutions, Eye-NetTM offers a more effective, cost-efficient approach. It uses a software add-on that enables shorter penetration cycles.

By targeting both vehicles and drivers as well as vulnerable road users, its coverage is more comprehensive. Furthermore, it requires no extra emission technology due to its existing cellular infrastructures, and easy version updates make complicated firmware updates – unnecessary.

Our solution relies on GPS, and we have made some significant progress in enhancing the system’s accuracy and efficiency

Dynamic accuracy per speed has been implemented to ensure high GPS accuracy when detecting and alerting about very low velocity scenarios. As the velocity increases, the necessary GPS accuracy can be significantly lower, making GPS a reliable technology for detecting and alerting about critical collisions.

Our solution also incorporates proprietary prediction and extrapolation algorithms which “fill in the blanks” and calculate mid-points at 10Hz refresh rate with relatively high accuracy.

In addition, advancements in technology have enabled smartphones arriving to the market as of last year to be embedded with dual frequency GPS sensors, providing very high accuracy levels. Moreover, GPS sensors installed in infotainment systems within vehicles are not subject to the same physical or power consumption limitations, allowing for even better accuracy (below 1m deviation).

i.e. The time from the transmission of coordinates to alerts being received by the smartphone

We consider “Network Latency” to be the time from the moment a source device receives a GPS location to the moment the location is received by the target device.

Eye-NetTM developed an advanced system architecture that is based on two layers of cloud servers, distributed cellular calculations and tailored communication protocols and algorithms that compensate for latency in order to optimize information transmission and alert users in real time.

The collection detection module is activated when the device is in motion, has an accurate GPS signal, and the system identifies a potential hazard.

Eye-NetTM for Users


Premium features included in Eye-Net Protect Plus include automatic emergency calls in case of an accident, and car overtaking for cyclists and micromobility users.  

Eye-Net can extract actionable insights and offer data packages for companies and government entities.

Your privacy is protected. Eye-NetTM does not require neither registration nor a user profile, so we have no ability to link the phone to the user or to their mobile number.

The only personal information collected by the system is GPS location, which cannot be linked to a specific user. From these locations, the system creates many charts and calculates characteristics such as velocity, bearing, acceleration, angular change etc.

Eye-NetTM is GDPR-compliant and supervised by a third-party legal company that is expert in privacy and regulations fields.

Data Security & Privacy Questions

Eye-NetTM owns the data, but the information can be shared with the carrier application per mutual agreements.

No, your information is owned by Eye-Net and is only shared with the carrier application; it will not be transferred to any third party.

The data consumption is approximately 1.5 MB per hour, based on an average person’s movement of seven hours per day.

Eye-Net is an anonymous service – it requires neither registration nor a user profile, so we have no ability to link the phone to the user or to their mobile number. The only personal information collected by the system is GPS location, which cannot be linked to a specific user. From these locations, the system creates many charts and calculates characteristics such as velocity, bearing, acceleration, angular change etc. Eye-Net is GDPR-compliant and supervised by a third-party legal company that is expert in privacy and regulations fields.

User Interface

Density is an important factor for the Eye-NetTM solution to work. To cover the world, it must be installed on multiple applications with high user bases.

Based on Eye-Net’s models, when there will be a million users in one city or state, we expect to be able to prevent tens of accidents and save hundreds of lives every year.

When multiple applications are running Eye-Net on the same mobile device, the user will only receive an alert from one application. The remaining applications will have Eye-Net hibernating.

There is a mechanism in place which allows Eye-Net to prioritize an application running a higher feature package on the user’s mobile phone. If all the feature packages of different applications are equal, then the first application that started running Eye-Net on this device will provide the alerts.

Yes, real-time collision alerts are visible to all licensees and can be accessed through any application, free of charge.

Troubleshooting and Permissions

Eye-NetTM Protect requires 4 permissions to run on most phones*

  • The location permission allows Eye-NetTM Protect to track your device’s location.
  • The background permission allows the app to remain running without being put to sleep by the device’s battery optimization process.
  • The popup permission enables Eye-NetTM Protect alerts to be shown over other apps.
  • The motion permission (For all iOS version and Android 10+ versions) allows for Eye-NetTM Protect to automatically detect your motion mode like running or driving.

*On some phones such as Xiaomi or Huawei additional permissions may be required for the battery saver and for the app restarting after a reboot.

Battery consumption is less than 0.5% per hour on average and Eye-Net is constantly striving to reduce it further. (Calculation is based on an average person’s movement of 7 hours per day).